YouTube - Leo Buscaglia -Speaking of Love pt 1 of 6
According to Wikipedia, Dr. Felice Leonardo Buscaglia Ph.D. (31 March 1924 of Italian descent – 11 June 1998) was a professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Southern California. He was a graduate of Theodore Roosevelt High School (Los Angeles).
Leo lived 27,100 days which reduces into the prime of 271. 271 days from 19980611 - the day Leo passed/ascended - brings us to 19990309 which was/is Jesus (15131) days from 20400811, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ in 6 BC. The year 2040 will also be 2047 years from 7 BC which was the year of the Divine Conception of our Lord on November 8th which is 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from August 11th.
271 was/is the numerical designator of "My Jesus Day" which is Jesus (15131) days from the day I was born - ie. 19580205 + Jesus (15131) prime days = 19990711. 19990711 converts into Day 11 = 1+1 = 2, Month 7, Year 1999 = 1+9+9+9 = 28 = 2+8 = 10 = 1+0 = 1......271 prime.
The end of the 113th cycle of 271 prime from the birth of Leo Buscaglia, 19240331, brings us to 20080202 which is 191 "Prime of God (764)" days from the Divine Birthdate, August 11th, in the current year. 113 is a prime number that corresponds to I (9) Am (14) One (655) = 678 = 113 prime X 6.
The Divine Conception day, 11/08 (1108), factors into 277 prime X 4. 277 is the prime of "Divine Love" as follows:
Divine (494955) Love (3645) = 498600 = 277 prime X 1800