The Bulls beat the Milwaukee Bucks last night 95-87.
MILWAUKEE -- There's a reason why the Chicago Bulls legitimately believe they can win an NBA championship this season.
They have Derrick Rose ... and every other team in the league does not.
In a season full of MVP-caliber performances, Rose unleashed one of his best yet on Saturday night, scoring 30 points and dishing out a career-high 17 assists as the Bulls won their fourth game in a row, 95-87, over the Milwaukee Bucks.
As usual, it was Rose who took over the game late, completely dominating the Bucks down the stretch. Rose scored 10 points in the fourth quarter alone, and repeatedly got open looks for all his teammates. The same teammates who literally stared in awe at times on the bench as the 22-year-old made one SportsCenter Top-10 play after another.
They have Derrick Rose ... and every other team in the league does not.
In a season full of MVP-caliber performances, Rose unleashed one of his best yet on Saturday night, scoring 30 points and dishing out a career-high 17 assists as the Bulls won their fourth game in a row, 95-87, over the Milwaukee Bucks.
As usual, it was Rose who took over the game late, completely dominating the Bucks down the stretch. Rose scored 10 points in the fourth quarter alone, and repeatedly got open looks for all his teammates. The same teammates who literally stared in awe at times on the bench as the 22-year-old made one SportsCenter Top-10 play after another.
D-Rose made it 89-87 @ 9:48 pm.
948 days prior to yesterday - 20110326 - brings us back to 20080820 which was/is Leo (356) days from August 11th, the Divine Birth of our Lord God Jesus Christ in 6 BC.
The end of the 23rd cycle of Leo (356) days since Derrick Rose was born - 19881004 - ended on 20110306. On that day the Chicago Bulls played perhaps their biggest game of the 2010-11 season when they beat the Lebron James and the Miami Heat 87-86 in Miami.
Embedded in the middle of the word MIAMI is the phrase "I (9) Am (14)" which adds up to 23 prime which corresponds to our Lord's original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai - ie. "I Am...the Lord thy God...." Exodus 20:2. And when you bring the letter "M" (4) and "I" (9) together you get 49 which is the number of days that separate 6/23 (623) - the first of three 3-digit mo/day dates that factor into 89 prime - and August 11th, the Divine Birth. This was a clue - a marker - that pointed to something more.
After writing this earlier this morning I was called to calculate the following:
20110306 minus Miami (49149) days = August 11, 1876, the Divine Birth of our Lord God Jesus Christ.
Derrick scored 27 points in the game against Miami on March 6, 2011 which is the exact number of days to the end of the next cycle of 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" day cycle that connects back to the birth of Christ on August 11th in 6 BC - ie. 27 days from 20110306 brings us to 20110402 which will be the end of the 8276th cycle of 89 days since August 11th in 6 BC.
Here's another clip from that great game against Miami:
At 8:41 of the third quarter, Derrick Rose splits Dwyane Wade and LeBron James on a fast break, prompting chants from the crowd of American Airlines Arena. Fast don't lie, indeed.
Here are two notes on the incredible connection between Derrick Rose and the number 89 which is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4
First, Derrick's birth, 19881004, was EXACTLY 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from 19890101 which was the first day of "The 89 Year" 1989. January 1, 1989 was the day that Dean Fagerstrom was given the vision of Aphax, the famous mathematician from the area around Thebes Egypt who taught this ancient Divine Science of Numerical Correspondences. There are many references to Aphax and his work in Dean's 1400 page "The Book of Anglion".
Second, 89 days prior to Derrick's birth, 19881004, brings us back to 7/07/88 which was the birth of Aphax according to Dean's book.
Finally, yesterday was two (2) cycles of Rose (9615) = 19230 days from 19580801 which was is the last of three digit dates that factor into 89 prime as follows:
6/23 (623) = 89 prime x 7 - is 49 days from August 11th
7/12 (712) = 89 prime x 8 - is 30 days from August 11th
8/01 (801) = 89 prime x 9 - is 10 days from August 11th
49 + 30 + 10 = 89 "Prime of Leo (356)"
19580801 is the Leo (356th) day from/including August 11th in the year 1957. And the year 1958 was the advent of the 23rd "I (9) Am (14)" cycles of 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days.
Here's the link to the Bull's 2010-11 schedule: