Sunday, January 29, 2012

Two Lions On Barton Avenue

Yesterday, 20120128, I drove in front of this house which is located in the 200 block of Barton Avenue in Evanston, Illinois. This was on the east side of Barton Avenue between Mulford Street - to the north - and Harvard Terrace - to the south. Here's the google map:

click the image to enlarge

There were two incredibly beautiful BIG lions out in front of this home on either side of the walkway leading to the front door. Here's the picture I took the next day to document this as follows (the address is 305 Barton Avenue):

What matters was the time: 4:54 pm

And the date: January 28, 2012

Whenever you add/subtract 454 days to any mo/day date on the calendar you will move foward/backward EXACTLY 89 days.

89 is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime x 4

89 cycles of 454 days from 20120128 brings us to the 9/14 mo/day date in the year 2122.

The 9/14 (914) mo/day date is the only day on the calendar that factors to 457 prime x 2 which is the 89th prime number.

Leo (356) cycles of 454 days - 161624 days - from 20120128 brings us to August 2, 2454 which is EXACTLY Leo (356) days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ.

One final numerical note:

454 = 227 prime x 2

20120128 + 227 prime days brings us to 20120911, the 11th anniversary of 9/11.

Two (256) Lions (39651) = 39907 = 5701 prime x 7

20120128 - 5701 "Two Lions" prime days = 19960619 which was the 226th anniversary of Spiritual Independence Day in 1770.

226 = 113 prime x 2

113 is the prime of I (9) Am (14) One (655) = 678 = 113 prime x 6

Two (2) cycles of 5701 "Two Lions" prime days prior to 20120128 brings us back to 19801109 which is 88 days from my 23rd birthday on 19810205 and 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" + ONE (1) = 90 days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate. 88 = 8 x 11 which mirrors the 8/11 mo/day. 811 is the 142nd prime number and 8/11 is always 142 days from the end of each year.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Joe Paterno Passes

Joe Paterno passed away yesterday, 1/22/12, due to complications related to his bout with lung cancer which was diagnosed shortly after the child sex abuse scandal broke on the Penn State Campus last November of 2011. Here's the wikipedia link to "Joe Paterno".

There's somethiong about Joe that reminded me of my late father who passed away in 1996. "Joe Pa" - as his fans called him - was born on December 21, 1926 698 days from the day my father was born which was 1/22/25. So "Joe Pa" passed on my father's 87th birthday - or day ONE (1) of the 88th year since his birth.

The name Joe (165) corresponds to the english word Son (165). Joseph (Joe) was Jesus's adopted father. 165 is ONE (1) conjoined with the word ON (65).

The word "Pa" corresponds to 71 which was the age of my father when he passed-ascended on 19960903 which was 23 "I (9) Am (14)" days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ.

Joe Paterno's numerical age (na) on the day he passed was 31078 days.

31078 = 379 prime x 41 prime x 2 prime

379 corresponds to 23 "I (9) Am (14)" + Leo (356) = 379 prime

41 corresponds to "I Am the light of the world" - John 8:12 as follows:

I (9) Am (14) the (285) light (39782) of (66) the (285) world (56934) = 97375 = 41 prime x 2375

Joe Paterno was fired on 20111109 which was/is exactly 88 days from 20120205 which will be my 54th birthday. Super Bowl XLVI (46) will be played on that same day. Joe passed away on day ONE (1) of the 88th year since my father was born.

46 = 23 "I (9) Am (14) x 2

23 corresponds to "I Am" which is our Lord's original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai - ie. "I Am...the Lord thy God..." Exodus 2:02.

The end of the 32038th cycle of 23 "I (9) Am (14)" days from/including the Divine Birth of our Lord God Jesus Christ, August 11th in 6 BC, will bring us t0 20120206 which is ONE (1) day from Super Bowl XLVI (46).

Joe Paterno was born 19261221 which was 698 days from 19250122, the day my father was born.

698 = 349 prime x 2

89 "Prime of Leo (356)" cycles of 349 prime days prior to 20120206 will bring us back to 19270122 which was my father's 2nd birthday. 19270122 was 32 days from the day Joe Paterno was born, 19261221.

My mother was born 404 days from 19270122. 404 = 101 prime x 2 x 2.

Joe Paterno's passing was 5619 days from 19960903, the day my father passed/ascended.

5619 = 1873 prime x 3.

1873 is 52 years from 1925, the year my father was born.

Joe Paterno was fired on 20111109 which was ONE (1) day from 11/08 which was my wife's 52nd birthday.

When you subract 1873 prime days from any day on the calendar you will move backward 46 days. For example, 19960903 - 1873 prime days = 19910719 which is 23 "I (9) Am (14)" x 2 = 46 days from 9/03.

The year 2012 is 139 prime years from 1873.

139 is a prime number that corresponds to "I Am Here" as follows:

I (9) Am (14) Here (8595) = 8618 = 139 prime x 62

My 54th birthday (Super Bowl 46) 20120205 will be the final day of the 32038th cycle of 23 I (9) Am (14) prime days.

The number 46 keeps manifesting....

Joe Paterno was born 11369 prime days from the day I was born, 19580205.

Joe's birthday, 12/21, is 46 days prior to my birthday, 2/5.

The Universal Numerical Date (UND) for Joe's birthday, 19261221, was 705781 prime - ie. Joe was born on the 705781st day from/including August 11th in 6 BC.

Two cycles of 705781 prime days from 19261221 brings us to September 11, 5791 which will be 3790 years from 2001 - ie. 3790 = 379 ("I (9) Am (14)" (23) prime + Leo (356)) x 10.

This brings us back full circle to the 379 "I Am Leo" conjunctive prime of Joe Paterno's numerical age on the day he passed-ascended - ie. 31078 days on 20120122.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

We Are One

Go to 6:55 min in this video and observe what happens....

Here's a simple example of the pervasive power and order of numerical correspondences that manifest in our world. The creator of this video was no doubt aware that he/she was doing this, but at the 6:55 min/sec mark there's the image of our solar system with our cental sun in the middle. EXACTLY ONE (1) second later the faint image of the phrase "We Are One" appears out of the lights of the stars and planets.

655 corresponds to the english word ONE (655) = 131 prime x 5

We (55) Are (195) One (655) = 905 = 181 prime x 5

The end of the 814th cycle of 905 "We Are One" day cycle fell on 7/17/11 which was 188 days prior to today.

905 - 188 = 717 which mirrors the 7/17 (717) mo/day date above.

The end of the 1125th cycle of 655 (ONE) days will fall 17 days from today which will be 2/07 - Dean Fagerstrom's 80th birthday.

These cycles all connect back to August 11th in 6 BC which was the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ. Every day brings another Universal Numerical Date (UND). The UND for today is 736858 which is factored as follows:

736858 = 19391 prime x 38

19391 reads the same from left to right and from right to left. The non-prime number 939 is surrounded by two ONE (1)'s. 939 factors into 313 prime x 3 which is the prime of this phrase, "The Name of God" as follows:

The (285) Name (5145) of (66) God (764) = 6260 = 313 prime x 20

6260 "The Name of God" days prior to today, 20120121, brings us to the 12/01 mo/day in the year 1994. 12/01 is always 23 "I (9) Am (14)" prime + 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate.

6260 "The Name of God" days from today, 20120121, brings us to the 3/12 mo/day in the year 2029. In non-leap years the 312th day of the year is always the 11/08 (1108) mo/day which is always 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate. Also, 1108 factors into 277 prime x 4 which is the prime of Divine (494955) Love (3645) = 498600 = 277 prime x 1800, etc.

Here are the screen shots @ 6:55 min, 6:56 min and 6:57 min:

We (55) Are (195) One (655) = 905 prime = 181 prime x 5


Friday, January 20, 2012

My Left Eye

Earlier today I visited the Pearl Vision Center in Northfield, IL to get my eye's examined so I could get a new pair of glasses - one for reading and another for driving. I have been without glasses for close to two years since my van was broken into and my PC, glasses and other personal belongings where stolen back in late April of 2010.

My left eye

Inside my left eye

This is the image on the video "The Calling" @ 6:40 min of Part 1 which I was watching when I was originally looking at the above three pictures of my eye. The eye in this image, too, looks like it's a "left eye."

My (47) Left (3562) Eye (575) = 4184 = 523 prime x 8

This blog is "From The Heart of Leo" and 89 is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime x 4

89 "Prime of Leo (356)" cycles of 523 "My Left Eye" prime days prior to today, 20120120, will bring us back to August 11th in the year 1884 which is the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ.

89 "Prime of Leo (356)" cycles of 640 days prior to today, 20120120, brings us back to 18560207 which was EXACTLY 76 (GO) years prior to the birth of Dean Fagerstrom who is the author of "The Book of Anglion" which outlines this "Divine Science of Numerical Correspondences" which Dean personally taught me during a 2 1/2 year period beginning in March of 2001.

The left eye appears again at EXACTLY 5:05 min/sec in the same video above. Nine (9) perfect cycles of 505 days prior to today, 20120120, bring us back to August 11, 1999 - the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ - which is when there was a total solar eclipse of the sun.

Here's a shot of the inside of my right eye.

Inside my right eye

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Will Caviness: A Fallen Firefighter who is "One Of Us"

Story Image

In this undated photo provided by the City of Greensboro Fire Department Support Services, Greensboro firefighter Capt. William Caviness poses for a photo. Caviness collapsed 500 yards from the Chicago Marathon's finish line Sunday, Oct. 9, 2011. Paramedics were able to get his heart beating again, but he was pronounced dead shortly after. (AP Photo/City of Greensboro Fire Department Support Services)

Will Caviness passed away 312 days from the day he was promoted to fire captain on December 1, 2010. This was the same day that his second child, daughter Caroline, was born. It's interesting to note that the 312th day in non-leap years is always 11/08 which is the Divine Conception day of our Lord God Jesus Christ in the womb of the most Blessed Virgin Mary in 7 BC - this according to Dean Fagerstrom's "The Book of Anglion".

11/08 is also my wife's birthday and 28 cycles of 312 days prior to 20111009 - the day of the Chicago Marathon - brings us back to her 28th birthday.

December 1st is always 23 "I (9) Am (14)" + 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from August 11th, the Divine Birth of our Lord God Jesus Christ (6 BC).

Read more here and here.

The first link is to Mark Konkol's article in this morning's Chicago Suntimes entitled "One Of Us". It's a real tear jerker. Mark is a Pulizter Prize winning columnist. He really struck a nerve that touches that "ground zero" area in our hearts.

BTW, 312 is the area code for "gound zero" for the "Great Chicago Fire" of 1871 - ie. the loop and downtown where the Chicago Marathon begins and ends. October 9, 2011 was the 140th anniversary of the Great Chicago Fire which began on October 8th in 1871 and ended at midnight of October 9th.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Documenting Tim Tebow's "Mile High Miracle"


John 3:16 message delivered by Tim Tebow's arm

Los Angeles Times
January 9, 2012 7:28 am

John 3:16 was the Bible verse that Tim Tebow was once banned from painting in tiny script onto his eye black.

But the Denver Broncos quarterback nonetheless delivered that Biblical message to the masses Sunday during an overtime victory against the Pittsburgh Steelers. The score was 29-23. But the game was significant for other -- some might say supernatural -- game-time numbers: He passed for316 yards against the Steelers, and set an NFL playoff record with 31.6 yards per completion.

For Christians, John 3:16, of course, is arguably the single most important verse in the Bible. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

John 3:16 was the most Googled search term for much of Sunday evening and into Monday morning, as sports fans and non-sports fans alike tried to make sense of the statistical coincidences (and maybe brush up on the Bible).

Oddly enough, Tebow himself did not seem to make a connection between his game stats and the Bible verse that he used to paint in white on top of his eye black until the National Football League barred all such personal messages.

But he did praise the Lord, as he has done throughout his career, a practice that has gained him plenty of fans and critics. "First and foremost I just want to thank my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. He’s done so much in my life," Tebow said to the media after the game.

Although he can no longer paint John 3:16 on his game face, Tebow still keeps it close, using it to sign off amessage to fans on his website.

Read more here and here.


Here's a good video from the Christian Brodcasting Network (CBN).

Here's a link from ABC's Good Morning America.

And, finally, here's the numerical analysis:

20120108 was the 77th anniversary of the birth of Elvis Presley, "The King", in 1935. 77 = 11 prime x 7.

Leo (356) = 89 prime x 4 and 89 cycles of 316 days prior to 20120108 brings us EXACTLY back to January 8, 1935 which was the birth of Elvis.

John 3:16 (316) is 40 from Leo (356) so 40 is one of the key numbers in this analysis.

20120108 - 316 days = 20110226 which is the 2/26 (226) mo/day that factors into 113 prime x 2 which is the prime of I (9) Am (14) One (655) = 678 = 113 prime x 6.

The score was tied 23-23 going into overtime. 2323 = 101 prime X 23. 23 corresponds to I (9) Am (14) which was our Lord's original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai - ie. "I Am...the Lord thy God..." Exodus 20:2.

23 "I (9) Am (14)" cycles of 2323 days prior to 20120108 brings us to 18650926 which was 23 + 23 = 46 days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord. 18650926 was 23 "I Am" days from 9/03 which is the day that my father passed/ascended 131 years into the future in 1996. 131 is the prime of ONE (655) = 131 prime X 5.

And if we move forward 23 cycles of 2323 days from 20120108 we will arrive at the 4/21 (421) mo/day in the year 2158. 4/21 is always 23 "I Am" + 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate.

Tebow's game winning TD was an 80 yard pass-run caught by #88 Demaryius Thomas. The play lasted 11 seconds. 88 = 8 X 11 which mirrors 8/11 (811).

41 is a prime number that corresponds to "I Am the light of the world" - John 8:12. The math is simple: I (9) Am (14) the (285) of (66) the (285) world (56934) = 97375 = 41 prime X 2375.

41 cycles of 811 prime days prior to 20120108 brings us back to 19201225 which is Christmas day. The end of the first cycle of 811 days from 19201225 brings us to the 3/16 (316) mo/day in the year 1923 which factors into 641 prime X 3 which is the prime of the word Rose (9615) = 641 prime X 15.

Now let's go back to the number 40 as we noted above - ie. John 3:16 (316) + 40 = Leo (356)

40 cycles of 811 days prior to 20120108 brings us to - as we just observed directly above - the 3/16 (316) mo/day in the year 1923.

In keeping with 11 seconds - the length of the last play - if we go back eleven (11) cycles of 316 days prior to 20120108 it will brings us to 20020703. Day ONE (1) of this cycle, July 4th in the year 2002, was the 226th anniversary of our Declaration of Independence in 1776. 226 mirrors the 2/26 (226) mo/day above which factors into 113 "I Am One" prime x 2.

The end of the 2331st cycle of 316 days fell on 20110504 which was 249 days from 20120108.
2331 = 777 x 3 which mirrors the 77th anniversary of Elvis's birth above. Day ONE (1) of this cycle, 5/5, was 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from 2/5, my 53rd birthday.

Eleven (11) cycles of 249 days brings us back to 20040709 which was/is the 191st "Prime of God (764)" day of the year 2004. God (764) = 191 prime x 4.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Rose In Roseland

Here's how these numbers work. Yesterday I had a client whose name was Rose who is looking for a house for her 5 children in the community called "Roseland" which is located on the far south side of Chicago. It was the end of the first week of 2012 - seven days.

Rose (9615) days from 20120107 brings us to 20380505 which is 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from 2/05 which will be my 80th birthday.

Rose (9615) = 641 prime x 15.

When you add 641 "Prime of Rose" days to any day on the calendar you will move backward 89 days.

Example: 20380505 + 641 prime days = 20400205.

11328 S Indiana, Chicago IL

The first house I showed Rose was located at 11328 S Indiana just south of 113th Street. 113 is the prime of I (9) Am (14) One (655) = 678 = 113 prime X 6. This house is EXACTLY 34 miles from where we live in Evanston - via I-94 - which is ONE (1) from 33 which is the age of Rose. If you take Lake Shore Drive (Route 41) the mileage is exactly 33.1 miles.

A couple of phrases come to mind:

1) "Rose Land" which corresponds to Rose (9615) Land (3154) = 12769 = 113 "I Am One" prime X 113 "I Am One" prime.

2) "The Age of Rose" correspond to The (285) Age (175) of (66) Rose (9615) = 10141 prime

20120107 plus 10141 "The Age of Rose" days brings us to October 13, 2039 which will be the 122nd anniversary of the Miracle of The Sun during Fatima in the year 1917. 122 = 61 prime x 2 which is the prime of Christ (389912) = 61 prime x 6392. 1917 is 61 years from 1978 which is the year that Rose was born.

11328 (the address of the house) = 59 prime X 192 - 192 is ONE (1) from 191 which is the prime of God (764) = 191 prime X 4.

59 days prior to yesterday, 20120107, was November 9, 2011 which was ONE (1) plus 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord.

Rose was born on Christmas Day in the year 1978. She is 33 years young. That was the age of my father when I was born in 1958. Her numerical age (NA) yesterday was 12066 which factors into 2011 prime X 6. 2011 days from 20120107 brings us to 20170710 which is the 191st day of that year - 191 is the prime of God (764) = 191 prime x 4.

113 days from yesterday brings us to 20120429 which was the 33rd anniversary of the first day of the New Jerusalem Age in 1979 as proclaimed by Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) who appeared before Dean Fagerstrom. 113 days prior to yesterday brings us to 20110916 which means that the completion of Day ONE (1) of this cycle, 9/17, was the end of the 224th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution for the United States of America in 1787.

224 = 112 x 2

112 is 23 "I (9) Am (14)" plus 89 which is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime x 4.

Wikipedia wrote:

"In the mid-1990s, Roseland gained notoriety as the stomping ground of Robert "Yummy" Sandifer, the child who was executed by his gang at age eleven. Much needed economic and social revival remains elusive."

"Robert "Yummy" Sandifer (March 12, 1983 — September 1, 1994) garnered national attention in September 1994 after his murder by fellow gang members in Chicago, Illinois.[1][2][3][4] He appeared on the cover of TIME magazine in September 1994.[5]"

Yesterday was EXACTLY 6337 prime days from the passing of Robert Sandifer. If we move forward another 6337 days from yesterday we will arrive at 20290514 which is EXACTLY 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ.

Let's go back to "Rose Land" as follows:

Rose (9615) Land (3154) = 12769 = 113 "I Am One" prime X 113 "I Am One" prime.

Rose Lear is the dear lady who inspired me to pray the Rosary on a daily basis since I first prayed this wonderful prayer on September 10, 2004. Rose was born on April 16th in the year 1950. 641, the prime of Rose (9615), is the 117th prime number that April 16th is always 117 days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ.

When you add 12769 "Rose Land" days to 19500416 you will arrive at the 4/01 (401) mo/day in the year 1985. 401 is the prime of the word Rosary (961197) = 401 prime x 2397.

If you move forward exactly eleven (11) cycles of 12769 "Rose Land" days from 19500416 you will arrive at November 8th in the year 2334. November 8th is known as "The Divine Conception Day" of our Lord God Jesus Christ in the womb of the most Blessed Virgin Mary in the year 7 BC. This is according to Dean Fagerstrom's "Divine Science of Numerical Correspondences" as outlined in his 1400+ page "The Book of Anglion".

The year 2334 factors into 389 prime x 6. 389 corresponds to CHI (389) which is the Greek letter "X" which stands for "Christos" which is where the english "Christ" originated from. According to "The Book of Anglion" by Dean Fagerstrom our Lord God Jesus Christ lived EXACTLY 2334 days in BC time from August 11th in 6 BC until the first day in the AD era.

Let's get back to 113 "I Am One" prime and the interrelation with 641 which is the prime of the word Rose (9615) = 641 prime x 15.

If we go back 180 cycles of 641 "Prime of Rose" days prior to 20120107 we will arrive at February 12th in the year 1696 which was EXACTLY 113 "I Am One" years prior to the birth of Abraham Lincoln in 1809. This would put 20120107 as day ONE (1) of the 181st cycle of 641 "Prime of Rose" days. 181 is the prime of We (55) Are (195) One (655) = 905 = 181 prime x 5.