Yesterday, 20120128, I drove in front of this house which is located in the 200 block of Barton Avenue in Evanston, Illinois. This was on the east side of Barton Avenue between Mulford Street - to the north - and Harvard Terrace - to the south. Here's the google map:
There were two incredibly beautiful BIG lions out in front of this home on either side of the walkway leading to the front door. Here's the picture I took the next day to document this as follows (the address is 305 Barton Avenue):
What matters was the time: 4:54 pm
And the date: January 28, 2012
Whenever you add/subtract 454 days to any mo/day date on the calendar you will move foward/backward EXACTLY 89 days.
89 is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime x 4
89 cycles of 454 days from 20120128 brings us to the 9/14 mo/day date in the year 2122.
The 9/14 (914) mo/day date is the only day on the calendar that factors to 457 prime x 2 which is the 89th prime number.
Leo (356) cycles of 454 days - 161624 days - from 20120128 brings us to August 2, 2454 which is EXACTLY Leo (356) days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ.
One final numerical note:
454 = 227 prime x 2
20120128 + 227 prime days brings us to 20120911, the 11th anniversary of 9/11.
Two (256) Lions (39651) = 39907 = 5701 prime x 7
20120128 - 5701 "Two Lions" prime days = 19960619 which was the 226th anniversary of Spiritual Independence Day in 1770.
226 = 113 prime x 2
113 is the prime of I (9) Am (14) One (655) = 678 = 113 prime x 6
Two (2) cycles of 5701 "Two Lions" prime days prior to 20120128 brings us back to 19801109 which is 88 days from my 23rd birthday on 19810205 and 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" + ONE (1) = 90 days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate. 88 = 8 x 11 which mirrors the 8/11 mo/day. 811 is the 142nd prime number and 8/11 is always 142 days from the end of each year.