The numbers are shaping up to be amazing as follows:
The Universal Numerical Date (UND) for February 5, 2012 - my 54th birthday - will be 736873 - ie. Super Bowl 46 will be played on the 736873rd day from/including August 11, 6 BC, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ.
736873 = 6521 prime x 113 prime
113 is the prime of the phrase "I Am One" as follows:
I (9) Am (14) One (655) = 678 = 113 prime x 6
Eleven (11) cycles of 678 "I Am One" days prior to 20120205 brings us back to the 9/05 (905) mo/day in the year 1991. The phrase "We (55) Are (195) One (655)" adds up to 905 and 905 factors into 181 prime x 5.
The year 1991 factors into 181 "We Are One" prime x 11.
6521 prime - the main conjunctive prime of the above UND - is composed of 65 (ON) next to 2 - the only female (even) prime number - which is next to ONE (1). 6521 prime is like saying "On To (two) One."
6521 prime days prior to 20120205 brings us to the 3/30 (330) mo/day in the year 1994 which is the 89th "Prime of Leo (356)" day of that year.
330 cycles of 113 "I Am One" prime days prior to 20120205 brings us back to the 1/01 (101) mo/day in the year 1910 which factors into 191 prime x 10 - 191 is the prime of God (764) = 191 prime x 4.
Super Bowl XLVI (46)
The number 46 fits in perfectly, too, as follows:
Superbowl XLVI (46) will be the final day of the end of the 16019th cycle of 46 days since the birth of our Lord God Jesus Christ on August 11th in 6 BC. Here's how we arrive at this calculation:
The UND for 20120205 - Super Bowl 46 - will be 736873
The UND for 20120206 - one (1) day later - will be 736874
736874 = 193 prime x 83 x 46 (23 prime x 2)
Hence the importance of the 113 "I Am One" prime for it's hearkening to this ONE (1) day differential between Super Bowl XLVI (46) and the 46 day cycle that connects back to the Divine Birth of our Lord God Jesus Christ ONE (1) day from Super Bowl XLVI (46).
I am sure there's much more....