Sunday, November 18, 2012

I shared this over on my FB page the following on 11/13/12:

The numbers behind the eclipse today are AMAZING!!

Totality Began at 2:38 pm CDT

The operative prime numbers for today are 389 and 379.

Today is 389 prime X 379 prime X 5 = 737155 days from August 11th in 6BC.

389 corresponds to Chi (389) which is the Greek letter “X” which stands for “Christos” which is where the english “Christ” originated from

379 adds up from 23 “I (9) Am (14)” + Leo (356). Leo (356) is the astrological sign for the Divine Birthmonth of August whose ruling planet is the Sun which corresponds to the Human Heart.

23 “I (9) Am (14)” cycles of 379 “I Am Leo” = 8717 days prior to today brings us to 1/1/89 – 89 is the 11th Fibonacci number. 19890101 is the day that “Aphax” the famous mathematician from ancient Thebes Egypt was revealed to Dean Fagerstrom who’s 1400+ page “The Book of Anglion” documents this “Divine Science of Numerical Correspondences.”

And if you go back 23 “I (9) Am (14)” cycles of the Sun (135) = 3105 days you will arrive at 5/14/04 – May 14th is always 89 “Prime of Leo (356)” days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate.

And if you go forward 23 “I (9) Am (14)” cycles of the Sun (135) = 3105 days you will arrive at 5/15/21 – May 15th is the completion of Day ONE (1) of the 89 “Prime of Leo (356)” day cycle that brings us to August 11th, the Divine Birthdate.

Remember when you conjoin 23 prime and 89 prime together it becomes 2389 which is the Leo (356th) prime number. 2389 corresponds to “I (9) Am (14) Leo (356)”. Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4.

The Mayan Calendar which began on August 11th in 3114 BC will ends on the Leo (356th) day of 2012 which is 12/21/12. The Winter Solstice most always begins on the Leo (356th) day of each year. On the morning of the 3rd day – which is usually Christmas Eve – the Sun begins the first full 1 degree ascent in the northern hemisphere which ends on Christmas Day. 12/24 is always Sun (135) days prior to August 11th.

This total eclipse is part of the “Solar Saros 133″ series which , repeats itself every 18 years, 11 days, contains 72 events. 18 year and 11 days corresponds to 1811 prime which is the 281st prime number which corresponds to our Lord’s corrected – ie. “spiritual” – date of birth as 010811 for Year 1, Month 8, Day 11. Day 11 = 1+1 = 2, Month 8 and Year 1 combine to form the spiritual designator of 281 prime which is the 61st prime number and 61 is the prime of Christ (389912) = 61 prime X 6392.,_2012