Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Alexandra Burke: 2008 "X Factor" Winner

According to wikipedia:

Alexandra Imelda Cecelia Ewan Burke (born 25 August 1988)[1] is a British soul/pop singer and winner of the fifth series of UK television talent show The X Factor. She is the show's second female winner after fellow Londoner and now global recording artist, Leona Lewis. Burke had previously auditioned for the 2005 series of the show, where she reached the last seven in her category but was not selected for the live shows.

As of 15 December 2008, Burke became the current European record holder for single sales over a period of 24 hours, selling 105,000 copies of her debut single, "Hallelujah", in one day.[3] The figure beats that of her X Factor predecessor, Leona Lewis, who previously held the record for selling 82,000 copies of her single, "A Moment Like This", over 24 hours.[3] "Hallelujah" went on to become the Christmas number one single of 2008.

Alexandra Burke Hallelujah - X factor 2008 Final

For starters, here is what I have....

Alexandra finished the last note of her song on this Youtube video at EXACTLY 3:33 min/sec which is 23 "I Am" from Leo (356). And at 3:56 min/sec the statement was declared "you have everything it takes to be a star!."

The day Alexandra won the "X Factor" was December 13th which is displayed as 12/13 (1213) which is also a prime number that corresponds to "Lo I am with you always" - Matthew 28:20 - as follows:

Lo (36) I (9) Am (14) With (5928) You (763) Always (135171) = 141921 = 1213 prime X 117

Our Lord was born on August 11th in 6 BC. December 13th was/is 124 days from August 11th.

Our Lord was resurrected and glorified on April 9th in 30 AD. August 11th was/is 124 days from April 9th.

December 13, 2008 was the first full day from December 12th which was/sis "The Leo (356th) Day" from December 22, 2007 which was the Winter Solstice 2007. The Winter Solstice falls on the Leo (356th) Day of each year.

Second, the full moon on [December 12, 2008 was...] the biggest one of the year - as well as "the biggest full moon the Earth has seen since 1993..." - as Earth's natural satellite reaches its closest point to our planet. Alexandra had a great foundation of natural-spiritual energy and power to draw from just one day later! You can read more about the numerical power and beauty behind December 12, 2008 at this link.

I wrote about this special day - 12/12 - on the even of Alexandra's win over at this link:

The Universal Numberical Date (UND) for 20081213 was 735724 - ie. it was the 735724th day from/including August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord, in 6 BC.

735724 factors into 727 prime X 23 prime X 44

23 prime corresponds to I (9) Am (14) = 23 prime which is was our Lord's original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai - ie. "I Am....the Lord thy God..." Exodus 20:2.

Eleven (11) cycles of 23 "I Am" days prior to 20081213 brings us to the 4/4 mo/day which was the 40th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's passing/ascension from this world in 1968. Eleven cycles of 23 "I Am" days going forward from 20081213 brings us to 20090823 which is known as "The Light of the Risen Christ Day" in the Universal Catholic Church.

As for 727 prime, December 13, 2008 was/is 727 prime days from 20101210 which is 89 prime days from 20110309. 89 is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4 which is the astrological sign for the Divine Birthmonth of August whose ruling planet is the Sun and which corresponds to the Human heart. And when we add Jesus (15131) prime days to 20110309 we come to 20520811 which is the Divine Birth of our Lord. 23 "I Am" cycles of 727 prime days prior to 20101210 brings us back to 19650228 which was/is 23 "I Am" days from my 7th birthday on 2/5.

Now let's get into the "X Factor" as follows:

"X" is the greek letter Chi (389) which stands for "Christos" which is where the english "Christ" originated from.

"X" is also the number 6.

Now let's combine the number for Factor (613269) as follows:

X (6) + Factor (613269) = 613275 = September 11, 1673

Chi (389) + Factor (613269) = 613658 = September 29, 1674

The 9/29 mo/day - 929 is a prime number - corresponds to "Free From Fear" as follows:

Free (6955) From (6964) Fear (6519) = 20438 = 929 prime X 22

929 "Free From Fear" prime days prior to December 13, 2008 brings us to 20060529 which was/is the 89th anniversary of John F. Kennedy in 1917. His mo/day of birth, 5/29, also corresponds to 23 "I Am" X 23 "I Am" = 529

Finally, let's add "X Factor" (613275) and "Chi Factor" (613658) to December 13, 2008 as follows:

20081213 + "X Factor" (613275) days = January 15, 3688, Dr. King's 1759th prime birthday

20081213 + "Chi Factor" (613658) = February 1, 3689 which is 191 "Prime of God (764)" days from August 11th.

Alexandra was born on 19880825 which was/is 7415 days from 20081213

7415 = 1483 prime X 5

23 "I Am" cycles of 1483 prime days from 19880825 brings us to 20820113 which is 23 "I Am" days from my 124th birthday. This mirrors the 124 days between August 11th, our Lord's birthday, and December 13, 2008, the day Alexandra won the "X Factor" - see above, too.

I was 11159 prime days old when Alexandra was born. If we go back 11159 prime days prior to my birth, 19580205, we will come to 19270719 which is always 23 "I Am" days from August 11th, our Lord's birthday. 7/19 (719) also corresponds to "Christ the Lord God Go" as follows:

Christ (389912) the (285) Lord (3694) God (764) Go (76) = 394731 = 719 prime X 549

Monday, December 22, 2008

Jesus Christ, Son of Man, King of Kings, Savior of Anyone Who Wants To Be Saved

This video was posted at 12:36 pm PST which is 2:36 CDT.

20081222 - 1236 days = 20050804 which was/is Barack Obama's 44th birthday.

20081222 + 236 days = 20090815 - 191 "Prime of God (764)" days = 20090205, my 51st birthday.

The 236th minute of the New Day is 3:56 am = Leo (356).

December 12, 2008 - "The Love Bug Day"

First off....

December 12th is "The Leo (356th) Day" from December 22, 2007 which was the Winter Solstice 2007. The Winter Solstice falls on the Leo (356th) Day of each year. Yesterday, for example, was the Winter Solstice hit at 7:04 am Eastern time here in the United States.

Second, the full moon on [December 12, 2008 was...] the biggest one of the year - as well as "the biggest full moon the Earth has seen since 1993..." - as Earth's natural satellite reaches its closest point to our planet.

Now let's dig into the "Love Bug" side of Leo....

Love Bug - Jonas Brothers (Acoustic Cover) - performed by Tiffany Jo Allen

Love (3645) Bug (237) = 3882 = 647 prime X 6. This video was posted on 12/12/08 which is 647 "Love Bug" prime days from 9/20/10 which is the mo/day date that corresponds to God (764) Is (91) On (65) = 920

12/12 is always 89 days from 9/14 (914) = 457 prime X 2 which is the 89th prime number. 89 is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4 which is the astrological sign for the Divine Birthmonth of August whose ruling planet is the Sun and which corresponds to the Human Heart.

12/12/08 was 457 prime (the 89th prime) days from 9/12/07 which was the end of the 406th cycle of 1811 prime days since our Lord's birth on August 11th in 6 BC. 1811 is the 281st prime number which corresponds to His spiritual - ie. "corrected - birthday - Year 1, Month 8, Day 11 which converts to Day 11 = 1+1 = 2, Month 8, Year 1 = 281 prime, etc.

12/12/08 was/is also 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from 3/11/09 which will be the end of the 308th cycle of 2389 prime days since our Lord was born on August 11th in 6 BC. 2389 is the Leo (356th) prime number and it's composes of 23 - which corresponds to I (9) Am (14) - and 89 which is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4.

The Universal Numerical Date (UND) for "The Love Bug Day" was/is 735723 which factors into 293 prime X 2511. 293 prime days prior to 12/12/08 brings us to 20080223 which was the end of the 2930th cycle of 251 prime days. 251 is the prime of 2008 = 251 prime X 8 and the year 2008 is 251 years from 1757 which is the year that Emanuel Swedenborg witnessed the Last Judgment in the spiritual Heavens and Hells.

The 2/23 (223) mo/day is very special for the 223rd day in non-leap years is always August 11th, the Divine Birthday of our Lord.

12/12/08 was/is also the beginning of the "ON Cycle" - ie. ON corresponds to the number 65 - of 293 prime days which began on 19570810. The completion of Day One (1) of this period was/is August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord.

Finally, Our Lady of Guadalupe's feast day is celebrated on December 12th - from wikipedia:

Our Lady of Guadalupe, also called the Virgin of Guadalupe (Spanish: Nuestra SeƱora de Guadalupe or Virgen de Guadalupe) is a 16th century Roman Catholic icon from Mexico representing a Marian apparition. It is perhaps Mexico's most popular religious and cultural image. Our Lady of Guadalupe's feast day is celebrated on 12 December, commemorating the account of her appearances to Saint Juan Diego on the hill of Tepeyac near Mexico City from 9 through 12 December 1531.

The Virgin of Guadalupe is a symbol of significant importance to Mexican Catholics. She is recognized as "Patroness of the Americas". The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City is the second most visited Roman Catholic shrine in the world.

To conclude, 12/12/08 was a very great day to express the energy of our Lord's "Love Bug" for mankind!! God is On!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

End The Fed

End The Fed protest in Houston TX. Ron Paul was the guest speaker.

YouTube - End The Fed protest in Houston TX. Ron Paul was the guest speaker.

The Universal Numerical Date (UND) for 20081122 was 735703 = 3697 prime X 199 prime

23 "I Am" cycles of 3697 prime days prior to 20081122 brings us to 17760201 which was/is 191 "Prime of God (764)" days from 17760810, the eve of our Lord's birth in the year of our Declaration of Independence.

23 "I Am" cycles of 3697 prime days from 20081122 brings us to 22410913 which was the eve of 9/14 (914) = 457 prime X 2 which is the 89th "Prime of Leo (356)" prime number. 9/14 is the ONLY day on the calendar that factors into 457, the 89th prime number. In non-leap years like 2241 9/14 is the 257th prime day of the year. 257 prime X 2 = 514 (5/14) which is always 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from 8/11, our Lord's birthday.

I attended the Chicago "End The Fed" rally & march yesterday - although I had to duck out early during the march - and noted several amazing numerical revelations of which I will share the following.

The rally gathered on Tribune-Equitable Plaza which is located at 401 N. Michigan Avenue. 401 is the prime of Rosary (961197) = 401 prime X 2397. The last time I was on this plaza was on the afternoon of Halloween, 10/31, so yesterday was the completion of the 23rd "I Am" day.

On October 31st as I was climbing the stairs from below Michigan Avenue where I parked my van, I noted that the time had moved from 2:14 pm to 2:15 pm as I headed into the light from the darkness below. 2/14 was Aaron Russo's birthday and before leaving I noted that those stairs were located directly across the street from the Hard Rock Hotel which is where Aaron stayed on his visit to Chicago beginning on March 16, 2006 for the first public screenings of his movie in the area. 3/16 corresponds to John 3:16. 10/31 is the 230th day from/including 3/16 and the address of the Hard Rock Hotel is 230 N. Michigan Avenue.

Everlasting - (John 3:16)

Yesterday was 982 days from 20060316. 982 = 491 prime X 2. The 491th prime minute of each new day is 8:11 am which is corresponds to 811 prime which corresponds to 8/11 (August 11th), the Divine Birthdate. 811 prime also corresponds to My (47) God (764) = 811. 811 is also the 142nd prime number and August 11th is 142 days from the end of each year, etc. The completion of the 491st day from 20060316 was/is 20070720 which was/is the completion of the first of 23 "I Am" prime days that ended on August 11th, the Divine Birthday of our Lord.

3:16 "The Numbers Of Hope" Promo

Whenever I walk north on Michigan Avenue just south of the Chicago River I have grown used to noting the numerical values of time and date as I cross various address points. For example, 333 North Michigan Avenue is 23 "I Am" from Leo (356) and on October 31st as I was walking directly in front of that address the time was 2:17 am which corresponds to Michael Jordan's birthday, 2/17. Michael turned 45 this year and 45 cycles of 217 days prior to 10/31 brings us to 19820205, my 24th birthday. Michael Jordan's number is 23 which corresponds to I (9) Am (14) = 23 prime which is the Lord's first name given to Moses on Mt. Sinai - ie. "I Am...the Lord thy God..." Exodus 20:2 and 20081031 marked day ONE (1) of the 46th cycle of 217 days since my 24th birthday, 2/5, in 1984 which was/is ONE (1) from 23 "I Am".
Aaron Russo passed/ascended 2 cycles of 217 (217 X 2 = 434) days prior to 20081031 on 20070824.

The number 217 got a BIG boost the following day, 11/01, when Northwestern's backup QB, #13 Mike Kafka, ran for a BIG-TEN record 217 yards in their win against Minnesota. Read more.

Let's get back to yesterday....

As I pulled up to 401 N. Michigan Avenue to drop off a friend before parking just east of Michigan Avenue yesterday the time was EXACTLY 11:24 am and the taxicab number in front of me was 643 prime. 1124 = 281 prime X 4. 281 is our Lord's spiritual numerical designator based on His corrected - ie. spiritual - date of birth, 10811 (Year 1, Month 8, Day 11 which converts to Day 11 = 1+1 = 2, Month 8, Year 1 = 281 prime), etc. The 281st prime number is 1811 which stands for the same thing, His "corrected" - ie. spiritual - birthdate. 643 is "2" - the only female prime number - from 641 which is the prime of Rose (9615) = 641 prime X 15, etc.

After parking my van I walked north on Michigan Avenue and noted that the time was EXACTLY 11:33 am when I crossed right in front of 333 North Michigan. 333 is 23 "I Am" from Leo (356). And 23 "I Am" X 1133 days prior to yesterday brings us to 19370719 which was/is 23 "I Am" days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate.

7/19 (719) prime corresponds to "Christ the Lord God Go" as follows:

Christ (389912) the (285) Lord (9614) God (764) Go (76) = 394731 = 719 prime X 549

23 "I Am" X 719 "Christ The Lord God Go" days prior to 20081122 brings us back to 19630814 which was the 191st "Prime of God (764)" day from/including 2/5 which was my corrected - ie. spiritual - birthdate. Two cycles of 23 "I Am" X 719 prime days prior to 20081122 brings us to 19180505, which was/is 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from 19180205, 40 years prior to my birth.

Finally, End (554) The (285) FED (654) = 1493 prime

Yesterday was Day ONE (1) of the 1493 "End The Fed" prime day cycle will conclude on 20121223 which will be the 95th anniversary of the original passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 as follows:

"The Federal Reserve Act (ch. 6, 38 Stat. 251, enacted December 23, 1913, 12 U.S.C. ch.3) is the act of Congress that created the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States of America, which was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson."

27 cycles of 1493 "End The Fed" prime days prior to 20081122 brings us to 18980711 which was/is 101 prime years from "My Jesus Day" as follows:

19580205 + Jesus (15131) prime days = 19990711 - 101 years = 18980711.

The 27th prime number is 101.

The end of the 492nd cycle of 1493 "End The Fed" prime days was 20051002 which was 13023 days - the number of days that our Lord lived - from 19700205, my 12th birthday. The year 2005 factors into 401 "Prime of Rosary (961197)" X 5.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stock Market Quote for the Dow Jones Industrial Average($DJI) - MSN Money

Stock Market Quote for the Dow Jones Industrial Average($DJI) - MSN Money

The Dow declined -733.08 points to 8,577.91, or 7.87%

733 is 31 prime from God (764). 31 prime corresponds to "The Lord God" as follows:

The (285) Lord (3694) God (764) = 4743 = 31 prime X 153

733 days prior to today, 20081015, was 200610113 which was the 89th "Prime of Leo (356)" anniversary of "The Miracle of The Sun" during Fatima in 1917.

787 corresponds to I (9) Am (14) God (764) = 787 prime

20081015 - 787 "I Am God" prime days = 20060820 - Ron Paul's 71st birthday

20060820 + Leo (356) days = 20070811, the Divine Birthday of our Lord God Jesus Christ and the day of the Iowa Straw Poll where Ron Paul made a triumphant presentation.



191 is the prime of God (764) = 191 prime X 4

191 is the 44th prime number.

20081015 - 44 cycles of 787 "I Am God" = 19131225, Christmas Day which is the provincial day we celebrate the birth of our Lord.

The Dow closed at 8577. 8577 = 953 prime X 9. 20081015 - 953 prime days = 20060307. 20060307 + Jesus (15131) prime days = 20470810, one day from the Divine Birthday of our Lord in the year 2047 which factors into 23 "I Am" X 89 "Prime of Leo (356)".

The Leo (356th) prime number is 2389 prime which is composed of 23 "I Am" conjoined with 89 "Prime of Leo (356)".

Monday, October 13, 2008

Market Recap: Dow Surges to 936-Point Gain as Bulls Take the Reins

Market Recap: Dow Surges to 936-Point Gain as Bulls Take the Reins: "The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA – 9,387.61) wrapped up the session on a gain of 936 points, or 11%, collecting its largest single-day point jump ever. The Dow's previous record, set on March 12, 2000, stood at 499 points. At its peak of the day, the blue-chip barometer was up about 977 points. Of the Dow's 30 components, only General Electric (GE) closed lower. Oil concerns Exxon Mobil (XOM) and Chevron (CVX) blazed the path higher for the 29 advancing issues.

20081013 - 20000312 = 3137 prime days

20081013 - 3137 prime X 2 days = 19910810 - which means that completion of Day ONE (1) of the first cycle of 3137 prime days was August 11th, the Divine Birthday of our Lord.

The year 1991 factors into 181 prime X 11

181 corresponds to "We Are One" as follows:

We (55) Are (195) One (655) = 905 = 181 prime X 5

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Leo, the 104-year-old Cubs fan gets wish to toss first pitch

104-year-old Cubs fan gets wish to toss first pitch :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Cubs: "Leo Hildebrand's century-old dream came true Saturday.

The 104-year-old Cubs fan who has wished for decades to throw out a ceremonial pitch at Wrigley Field had his wish granted by the Cubs Saturday."

read more | digg story

Read more here.

Note: I will share the numbers behind this event later today.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Gold rises on Wall St. and declining dollar - Sep. 17, 2008

NEW YORK ( -- Gold prices posted their biggest one-day jump ever Wednesday, as jitters over the health of the financial sector sent stocks tumbling and the dollar weakened.

Gold for December delivery was up $70, or 9%, to settle at $850.50 an ounce. The gain surpassed the previous mark, $64, set Jan. 29, 1980, during a period of surging inflation.

Gold rises on Wall St. and declining dollar - Sep. 17, 2008

Today, 20080917, is the 221st anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution for the united states of America in 1787. The Gold (7634th) day from/including 20080917 brings us to 20290811, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ in 6 BC.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Carlos Zambrano's No Hitter

YouTube - Carlos Zambrano's No Hitter

Carlos Zambrano's no-hitter came 515 days from Mark Buehrle's no hitter on April 18, 2007. Twenty one (21) cycles of 515 days prior to today brings us to 19790204 which means that Day One (1) of this cycle was 19790205, my 21st birthday.

The last Cub to pitch a no hitter was Milt Pappas on September 2, 1972 against the San Diego Padres - 13161 days ago.

Today is Day ONE (1) Carlos's # 38 23 "I Am" cycle since 20060601, his 28th birthday. 38 days from today brings us to 20081022, the 197th anniversary of Franz Listz's birth in 1811.

According to Wikipedia, "Zambrano was called up to the Cubs and pitched in his first game on August 20, 2001, starting against the Milwaukee Brewers at Wrigley Field in the second game of a double header."

20010820 + Leo (356) days brings us to August 11th 2002, the Divine Birthday of our Lord God Jesus Christ in the following year. 20010820 was also the 66th birthday of Ron Paul. 66 + 23 "I Am" = 89 "Prime of Leo (356)." Ron was born 23 "I Am" years prior to the year I was born, 1958, which was year ONE (1) of the 23rd "I Am" cycle of 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" which will end in the year 2047.

A Tribute to # 89 Steve Smith

Wikipedia wrote:

"Stevonne Latrall Smith[1] (born May 12, 1979 in Lynwood, California) is an American football wide receiver for the Carolina Panthers of the National Football League. He was brought to the Panthers organization as a third round pick in the 2001 NFL Draft. He played college football at University of Utah.

Smith, a three-time Pro Bowl selection, has emerged as one of the NFL's most productive wide receivers, leading the league in catches, receiving yards and touchdowns in 2005."

This video was "added" to Youtube on April 15, 2008 which was 152 days ago. 22 X 152 = 3344 days ago brings us to 19990720 which was/is 22 days from the Divine Birthdate, August 11th, which coincided with a Total Eclipse of The Sun.

There are 7766 days separating my birth, 19580205, and Steve Smith's birth, 19790512. 7766 factors into 353 prime X 22. The end of the 23rd "I Am" cycle of 353 prime days from my birth brings us to 19800429 which was the end of the first year of what Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) told Dean Fagerstrom was the New Christian Era.

Leo Energy In Volleyball

First let's observe "Elizabeth" Player Number 89 as follows:

2007/2008 LBVBC 16-1 Hava - Player Number 89

YouTube - 2007/2008 LBVBC 16-1 Hava - Player Number 89

I stumbled onto this and was called to write/share:

Today is the 258th day of the year. Check out what Elizabeth is doing at EXACTLY 2:58 min - ie. she's spiking the ball. 9/14 (914) factors into 457 prime X 2 which is the 89th prime number. 89 is the prime of Leo (356) which is the astrological sign for the Divine Birthmonth of August whose ruling planet is the Sun and which corresponds to the human Heart.

In non-leap years the 9/14 is the 257th day of the year. 257 is a prime number which, when doubled, equals 5/14 (514) which is always 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ in 6 BC.

Another spike recorded EXACTLY at 1:29 min which is the 89th second of this video. Your and Elizabeth's timing is incredible!! This is how the Divine Providence works!

Here's another video of Elizabeth:

2008 Junior Olympics Laguna Beach Girls Volleyball player 89

Elizabeth finished making a spike at 1:12 min - which corresponds to 112 which is is 23 "I Am" + 89 "Prime of Leo (356)". Also, another spike is documented at EXACTLY 1:29 min which is the 89th second of this video. Pretty amazing!! Thanks again!

Note: The numerical energy behind #89 in conjunction with volleyball manifested here in Illinois back in the 1989 Illinois IHSA Volleyball Championship when the LaGrange "Lyons" - from the western suburbs here in Chicago won the AA State Championship as follows:

1989AA LaGrange (Lyons) (33-10) - coach Joann Pyritz - vs. Tinley Park (Andrew) (33-8-2) - coach Barb Walaszek - 9-15, 15-9, 15-6

1989 Illinois IHSA Volleyball Championship

The 89th longitude West goes right through the heart of Illinois, including Springfied, the State Capital, which is 89 miles from the St. Louis.


Ok, the "89 Hits" just keep on coming! Here's another example which was posted on my 50th birthday (2/5/08) by pablojuarez89:

Volleyball - Luckiest Return Ever

Sunday, September 7, 2008

We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For

At 3:56 min/sec the natural energy of Leo (356) can be seen in this swarm of lions.

At 5:56 min the underlying message that underlies this Leonic energy is stated as follows:

Note that 5:56 am is the end of the Leo (356th) minute of each new day.

YouTube - We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Leonic Energy Behind McCain & Palin

Wikipedia wrote:

John Sidney McCain III (born August 29, 1936) is the senior United States Senator from Arizona and presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party in the 2008 presidential election.

Wikipedia wrote:

Sarah Louise Heath Palin (pronounced /ĖˆpeÉŖlÉŖn/; born February 11, 1964) is the governor of Alaska and the presumptive Republican vice presidential nominee in the 2008 United States presidential election.

Sarah Palin was born 10027 days from the birth of John McCain. 10027 factors into 271 prime X 87. The end of the 88th cycle of 271 prime days from John McCain's birth brings us to 19641108 which was/is the 1972nd anniversary of the Divine Conception of our Lord God Jesus Christ in the womb of the most Blessed Virgin Mary in 7 BC. 19641108 was/is Day ONE (1) of the 89th cycle of 271 since the birth of John McCain.

Today - this evening - Sarah Palin is speaking at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul DC. Today is 9/03 is 23 days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate. 23 corresponds to I (9) Am (14) = 23 prime which is the Lord's original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai - ie. "I Am....the Lord thy God..." Exodus 20:2. My father passed/ascended 12 years ago on this day. But let's get back to 271 prime as follows....

20080903 - 23 "I Am" prime X 271 prime (6233) days = 19910811, the Divine Birthday of our Lord in the year 1991 which factors into 181 prime X 11. 181 corresponds to We (55) Are (195) One (655) = 905 = 181 prime X 5.

Now let's get back to the importance of November 8th.... November 8th (1108) is always 89 days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ in 6 BC. Note also that 1108 factors into 277 prime X 4 which is the prime of "Divine Love" as follows:

Divine (494955) Love (3645) = 498600 = 277 prime X 1800.

In leap years such as 2008 August 11th, the Divine Birthday, is always 277 "Divine Love" prime days from the November 8th, the Divine Conception Day.

Palin (71395) = 131 prime X 545

131 is the prime of ONE (655) = 131 prime X 5

And it works perfectly as Palin (71395) = ONE (655) X 109 prime

A Study In Leonic Correspondences

This scene in our basement family room was noted while I was talking to Gary Nobles in St. Louis at 11:33 am yesterday, 9/02/08. After I posted this I noted that the PSE time was 8:09 am which corresponds to "Lady 89" as follows:

Lady (3147) + 89 = 3236 = 809 prime X 4

I bring this up because at EXACTLY 2:06 pm yesterday, 9/02, I was called to observe a red mercedes convertible with the Illinois license plate "Lady 89" driving south on Skokie Blvd. (Route 41) in front of Old Orchard shopping center. 234 "I Am" cycles of "Lady 89" 809 prime days prior to yesterday brings us to 19570923 which was/is Sun (135) days prior to the day I was born, 19580205.

"Lady 89" (3236) is actually the address of the house just to the east of our home here in Evanston on 3242 Harrison St.

So we have 809 prime which is composed of "8" and "9" separated by one conjunctive zero (0).

Now let's examine the photograph above in greater detail....

First we have the Lion - his name is Leo from the Lion King fame - which has a green mit over it's head and a snake on it's back upon which sits a black duck. Notice also the telescope pointing high towards the heavens & stars and a World Atlas that sits between the Chicago Bear that's wearing a Cubs hat.

What does this all mean? I didn't put this together. I was simply an observer of a pattern of correspondence. The Chicago Bears are beginning their season while the Cubs are trying to finish up on what has become one of there greatest seasons. The Atlas of the earth mirrors the exploratory power of the telescope in discovering the wonders of the stars and planets. The snake corresponds to the evil manifested by fallen man since the original sin and the duck riding atop the snake on the back of the Lion works to bring some levity to the situation. But the key to this picture of the mitt covering the eyes of the Lion. In baseball the single, most powerful accomplishment is the act of hitting a home run. And if you're a fan sitting in the bleachers having a mitt is going to be very helpful in any attempt at catching a home run ball. Note also that on the wall behind the duck is a picture of the start of the 2005 Chicago Marathon, the last marathon that I ran in - my 6th.

The abbreviation for "Home Run" (HR) corresponds to the prime of 89 which is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4.

The telescope, corresponding to the study of the stars and planets, brings us closer to understanding our Sun which corresponds to the sign of Leo (356) which corresponds to the Human Heart. The Bears and Cubs are leading this parade right now, but we need to pay close attention to geography - latitude and longitude lines - in the study of our world Atlas, etc. If we do the above We The People of the world have a greater potential to become beacons of hope and faith for mankind as we raise ourselves higher and higher closer and closer to the angels of heaven. But we must attend and play the game of life if we are going to have an opportunity to catch the HR (89) ball.

Yesterday - when this image was discovered - was the 74th day from/including June 20th (2008) - summer solstice - which was the day I caught University of North Carolina's (UNC's) Tim Federowicz's Grand Slam Home Run ball in the left field bleachers at Rosenblatt Field during the NCAA College World Series. 89 (HR) days from June 20 brings us to 9/17 which will be the day that the Constitution for the united states of America was originally signed before being sent onto the states for formal ratification in 1787.

That's it!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

December 21 2012 THE END

December 21, 2012 will be the Leo (356th) day of the year. The above picture is freeze-framed at EXACTLY 3:56 (Leo) min/sec. Watch the video and see what happens immediately at 3:57 min/sec.

YouTube - December 21 2012 THE END

Edwin O. Guthman Passes/Ascends At 89

Wikipedia wrote:

Edwin O. Guthman (August 11, 1919 - August 31, 2008) was a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and university professor.

The LA Times wrote:

Guthman was national editor of the L.A. Times during the paper's rise to prominence. His pursuit of Watergate stories earned him the No. 3 spot on Nixon's enemies list. He later taught at USC.

Edwin O. Guthman, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist and editor whose aggressive pursuit of Watergate stories during the 1970s earned him the enmity of President Nixon and the No. 3 spot on Nixon's infamous enemies list, has died. He was 89. continue...

Because of his Pulitzer and his Kennedy connections, Guthman was, according to Halberstam, "the most prestigious editor" The Times had in the 1960s. He was known for his strong social conscience and his belief that reporters should strive to expose corruption. Guthman also was known as the paper's most relentless editor, always pushing his reporters to make one more phone call to nail an important story.


This quality was crucial in the early 1970s when the Washington Post broke the story of the Watergate break-in. In contrast to other top editors at The Times, Guthman was, Halberstam wrote, "passionate on Watergate from the start."

The Times was one of the few papers in the country doing any Watergate stories, but it found itself always trailing the Post on reporting developments in the unfolding scandal, which arose from the discovery of a break-in by Republican operatives at the Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate office complex in Washington. The Times' fortunes changed in the fall of 1972, when Washington correspondent Ronald J. Ostrow learned that there might have been an eyewitness to the break-in.

One of Ostrow's colleagues at The Times, Jack Nelson, found the witness, Alfred Baldwin, and secured an exclusive interview. Although Times lawyers warned of the enormous legal risks and the government was pressuring the paper to drop the story, Guthman talked Times Editor William F. Thomas into running the piece. It became one of the most important stories about the entire episode because, in Halberstam's view, it "brought Watergate right to the heart of the Nixon reelection campaign in a more dramatic way than any other story so far."

Here are some of the key numerical points as follows:

First, Edwin was born on the Divine Birthday 1925 years from our Lord's birth in 6 BC - my late father was born in the year 1925. Second, Edwin passed on August 31, 2008 which was the 11th anniversary of the passing of Princess Diana. So we have a very strong resonance with the number 11 - 11th day (August), 11 years, etc. Third, on the night of Ed's passing my wife and I were at the Writer's Theatre watching "Nixon's Nixon", a story of what might have happened in the Lincoln sitting room the night before Nixon resigned (August 7, 1974).

Glencoe's Writer's Theatre has two venues, one in the back of Vernon's Books (where we saw Nixon's Nixon which can seat 50) and the larger of the two at 325 Tudor Court in the Glencoe Women's Library Club which can seat 108. Prior to seeing the play my wife and I drove around Glencoe and stopped in front of the Woman's Library Club at exactly 5:41 pm. The Writer's Theatre just completed a production of "The Lion In The Winter" on August 17th. I was called to note the time because of "The Lion" phrase. Harris Bank has had an office directly across the street from 325 Tudor Court for years at 333 Park Avenue - note that 333 + 23 "I Am" = Leo (356), etc.

541 is the 101st prime number. 541 days prior to 20080831 brings us to 20070309 which is Jesus (15131) prime days from 20480811, ONE (1) year from the end of the 23rd "I Am" cycle of the prime of Leo (356) year of 2047 = 23 prime X 89, etc.

Two cycles of 541 days bring us to 20050914 which is the 9/14 (914) mo/day = 457 prime X 3 which is the 89th prime number. The year 2005 factors into 401 "Prime of Rosary (961197)" X 5 and was the advent of the 89th "Prime of Leo (356)" year since Fatima began in 1917, etc. You can read about other 2005 revelations concerning 541 prime and the Chicago White Sox winning the 101st World Series over at this link.

Let's get back to Edwin Guthman's passing.....

August 31, 2008 - the night that we watched Nixon's Nixon was 12,443 days from August 7, 1974, the day prior to Nixon's resignation in 1974.

12443 factors into 23 "I Am" X 541 prime. 23 corresponds to I (9) Am (14) = 23 prime which is the Lord's original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai - ie. "I Am...the Lord thy God..." Exodus 20:2.

Now let's connect the numerical dots between Edwin's passing, Robert Kennedy's passing and "The Lion In The Winter" as follows:

Robert F. Kennedy passed/ascended on June 6, 1968, 14696 days prior to Edwin Guthman's passing on August 31, 2008. We first factor 14696 as 167 prime X 88 which means that the end of the 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" cycle of 167 prime days will bring us to 20090214 - Valentines Day - which in non-leap years is ALWAYS two (2) cycles of 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from the Divine Birthday, August 11th. 20090214 will also be the 66th birthday of another "Lion" figure, the late Aaron Russo, (February 14, 1943 – August 24, 2007) an American entertainment businessman, film maker, and political activist.

Note that 6/06 - June 6th, D-Day - is always 66 days from August 11th.

66 is 23 "I Am" from 89, the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4.

We can tie the above all the way back to the premier of the original Broadway Play of "The Lion In Winter" on March 3, 1966 as follows:

20080831 - 19660303 = 15522 days = 199 prime X 78

August 31, 2008 was/is 199 prime days from 20080214, Day ONE (1) of the 66th year since Aaron Russo's - the Lion In The Winter - birth.

Less than 2 years prior to his passing on August 24, 2007, Aaron Russo produced a ground-breaking political-social-economic documentary, America: Freedom To Fascism (AFTF). In an example of incredible numerical harmony we can connect the dots between Aaron's birth, 19420214, the eve of Nixon's resignation - on which the play "Nixon's Nixon" is based - and the first public screening of America: Freedom To Fascism in Tuscon Arizona on January 28, 2006 as follows:

19740807 (the eve of Nixon's resignation) - 19430214 (Aaron Russo's birth) = 11497 days

11497 is a prime number

19740807 + 11497 prime days = 20060128, the very first public screening of America: Freedom To Fascism in Tuscon Arizona.

It's a wrap!!

PS. Today is the day that my late father, Fred K. Smart, Jr. began to ascend/pass 12 years ago in 1996. He died one day later on 9/03, 23 "I Am" days from the Divine Birthday, 8/11, on the 101 "Perfect Unity" prime cycle that connects all the way back to the birth of Christ in 6 BC. 101 days later my grandmother, my mother's mother, passed/ascended on 12/13, the 19th anniversary of my wife's father's passing/ascension in 1977.

PSS. Since hurricane "Gustav" is in the news right now it may be appropriate to note that the Universal Numerical Date (UND) for Gustav (731214) brings us back to 19960808 which was/is Day ONE (1) of the 23rd "I Am" year since Nixon's resignation in 1974 and the 8th anniversary of the lights being turned on at Wrigley Field for the first time in 1988. My father's father's name was "Gustav" and my father-in-law's name was "Gus". 23 "I Am" days from Gustav (731214) - August 8, 1996 - my mother, father and I were holding hands at the "Kaiser" mausoleum inside Chicago's famous Graceland Cemetary. This was on the day that my Godmother, Sally Burnham, the wife of Sailor (Hubert) Burnham, the grandson of Daniel Burnham, the famed pioneering architect and urban planner of the Chicago School of Architecture.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Jungle Emperor Leo 1989 Opening Theme Japanese

This video is 1:12 min/sec. long which corresponds to 23 "I Am" + 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" = 112.

YouTube - Jungle Emperor Leo 1989 Opening Theme Japanese

Simon "The King"

At EXACTLY 11:46 am Central time this morning, I was called to document this section - an enlargement - of a picture of our cat, Simon:

The number, 3242 - our address - corresponds to "The King" as follows:

The (285) King (2957) = 3242 = 1621 prime X 2

3242 - 1146 = 2096 which is the 89th year from/including 2008. 89 is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4.

1146 = 191 prime X 6 which is the prime of God (764) = 191 prime X 4. 1146 is two (2) cycles of 191 "Prime of God" from God (764).

1146 days prior to today brings us to 20050711 which is Jesus (15131) from 19640206 which is ONE (1) from 2/5, my 6th birthday.

1146 days from today brings us to 20111020 which is ONE (1) + 191 "Prime of God" years from 18191020 which was the birth of "The Bab", one of the co-founders of the Bahai Faith.

Here's the picture of Simon.

Simon (19465) = 229 prime X 85

229 days prior to today was/is 20080114 which corresponds to 1/14 (114) which is ONE (1) from 113 prime which corresponds to I (9) Am (14) One (655) = 678 = 113 prime X 6.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

2008 Olympics, Phelps And The Power Of 8

The numbers don't lie: Phelps is the best swimmer ever

By Amy Rosewater
Special to

"The great ones, Jordan, Woods, Montana, seem to not only win, but win in the most dramatic fashion, blending excellence with great theater," NBC's Bob Costas told the U.S. audience this weekend. "Add Michael Phelps to the list."

Lots of eights (8's) are "in the air" this August (2008), the eighth month and Divine Birthmonth of our Lord God the Saviour Jesus Christ. Here's just a few pieces to what I am sure is going to be an incredible glorious puzzle as it continues to unfold:

20080808 - 8th day of the 8th month of the 8th year of the New Millenium. So we naturally have 8/8/8 (888) to factor into this model. The 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing China officially got underway at 8:08 pm on 8/8/08. So let's do the math as follows:

Wikipedia documented:

8/10 400 m individual medley Gold Medal, World Record 4:03.84
8/11 4 x 100 m freestyle relay Gold Medal, World Record 3:08.24
8/12 200 m freestyle Gold Medal, World Record 1:42.96
8/13 200 m butterfly Gold Medal, World Record 1:52.03
8/13 4 x 200 m freestyle relay Gold Medal, World Record 6:58.56
8/15 200 m individual medley Gold Medal, World Record 1:54.23
8/16 100 m butterfly Gold Medal, Olympic Record 50.58
8/17 4 x 100 m medley relay Gold Medal, World Record 3:29.34

Michael's second gold medal came in on the Divine Birthday, 8/11, in the 4 X 100 m freestyle relay in a time of 308. 308 corresponds to March 8 (3/08) which is Jesus (13151) prime days from August 11th 41 years later. Second, 191 "Prime of God (764)" cycles of 308 days prior to 8/11/08 brings us to 18470719 which is 23 "I Am" days from August 11th. The same correspondence is achieved when one uses the 8/17 time of 3:29 as follows:

20080817 + 191 "Prime of God (764)" X 329 days = 21800903 which is 23 "I Am" prime days from August 11th, the Divine Birthday.

The total min/seconds number value adds up to 403 + 308 + 142 + 152 + 658 + 154 + 50 + 329 = 2196 which is 188 from 2008. 188 is ONE (1) conjoined with 88 - as in "eight for eight" - and which is also 8 X 11 (8/11) the Divine Birthday. Note that this "Eight for Eight" gold medal feat began on the eve of the Divine Birthday. Note also that 188 = 47 prime X 4 - which is the prime of Truth (29328) - and that 47 days prior to 8/17 brings us to Princess Diana's 47th birthday, July 1st, etc.

The end of the 828th cycle of 888 days since the birth of our Lord God Jesus Christ, August 11th 6 BC, fell on 20070910 which was EXACTLY 333 days prior to 8/8/08. First, 333 is 23 "I Am" prime from Leo (356). And 888 - 333 = 555 which - like 5:55 am - is the advent of the Leo (356th) minute of each new day and 5:55 am is when the sun rises on the Divine Birthdate, August 11th at the 41st "I Am the Light of the World" latitude north - here in Chicago, Illinois USA.

Note also that the 828th cycle of 888 factors into 23 "I Am" X 36 - ie. 828 = 23 prime X 36 - which is the current ages of Michael Phelps (23) and the number of years (36) since Mark Spitz won his record seven (7) gold medals at the 1972 Summer Olympics.

The phrase "eight for eight" has been used to describe Michael Phelps' dream-quest of winning 8 gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympic games. So we naturally have this "88" (88) number to deal with, etc. First, 88 is ONE (1) from 89 which is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4. So let's go back 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" cycles of 88 days prior to August 17, 2008, the day Michael Phelps won his eighth gold medal as follows:

88 X 89 = 7832 days.

20080817 - 7832 days = 19870309 which is Jesus (15131) prime days from 20280811, the Divine Birthday of our Lord God Jesus Christ.

Remember when the lights turned on in Wrigley Field for the first time? Well the date, 8/8/88, seemed to be a numerical harbinger for 8/8/08. So let's examine the year/number 1988 as follows:

20080817 - 1988 days = 20030309 which, too, is Jesus (15131) prime days from 20440811, the Divine Birthday of our Lord God Jesus Christ.

Let's go back to the simple non-prime numeral eight (8) and see where this day cycle falls relative to the birth of our Lord as follows:

"The Eight (8) Day Cycle" coincides with the Divine Birthday this month. The Universal Numerical Date (UND) - the number of days from/including August 11th 6 BC - for 20080811 was/is 735600 which factors into eight (8) X 91,950.

Now, let's factor in the 191 "Prime of God (764)" cycle as follows:

191 X 11 cycles of 8 days - 16808 days - prior to 20080817 brings us back to
August 11, 1962, the Divine Birthday of our Lord God Jesus Christ. Notice how 16,808 seems to mirror and correspond to 88 - eight for eight - for 8 + 8 = 16 and 808 (8/08) for August 8th, etc.

Michael's "eight for eight" feat came EXACTLY 48 days from his 23rd birthday, June 30. 48 = eight (8) X 6 and if we move two (2) more cycles of eight (8) days forward you will arrive at 20080902 which is the 23rd day from/including August 11th, the Divine Birthday of our Lord. 23 corresponds to I (9) Am (14) = 23 prime which is our Lord's original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai - ie. "I Am...the Lord thy God..." Exodus 20:2, etc.

Wikipedia wrote:

Meanwhile Evangelos Zappas, a wealthy Greek philanthropist, sponsored the first modern revival of the Olympic Games.[3] The first modern international Olympic Games was held in an Athens city square in 1859. Zappas paid for the refurbishment of the ancient Panathenian Stadium. This first modern international Olympic Games to be hosted in a stadium was hosted there in 1870, followed by a second 1875. The same stadium was refurbished a second time and used for the Athens 1896 Games. The revival of the Olympic Games, sponsored by Zappas was a dedicated Olympic Games composed of athletes from two countries: Greece and the Ottoman Empire.

2008 is 112 years from 1896.

112 is made up of 23 "I Am" and 89 which is the prime of Leo (356).

Michael Phelps was born in 1985, 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" years from the second birth of the modern games in Athens in 1896. And 23 "I Am" years later brings us to the current year 2008. The Leo (356th) prime number is 2389 which combines 23 "I Am" with 89, the "Prime of Leo (356)."

It it interesting to note that the 23rd Olympiad returned to Athens in 2004 when Michael was 19. When you combine 19 and 23 you come up with 1923 which factors into 641 which is the prime of Rose (9615) = 641 prime X 15. Thus, the 23rd Olympics in Athens corresponded to the advent of the 88th year from the beginning of Fatima (May 13, 1917) - as if to herald Michael's upcoming "eight for eight" feat four years later. The 89th year since Fatima began in the following year, 2005, exactly 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from February 13th, the day that Sister Lucia passed/ascended, the last of the three remaining children who originally witnessed the events of Fatima.

Note also that Athens Greece is located on 23 longitude west - 23.43 longitude west to be exact.

Mark Spitz shows Michael Phelps a champion's grace - Los Angeles Times: "The telecast of Phelps' record-breaking eighth gold-medal triumph drew 31.1 million viewers, the most for the network for any type of Saturday night programming since 31.4 million tuned in for a 1990 episode of 'Empty Nest.' The total of 191 million viewers for the first nine days of the Games surpasses the total for the full 17 days of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City (187 million) and the 2000 Summer Games in Sydney (185 million)."

191 is the prime of God (764) = 191 prime X 4

More will follow....

Note: Michael Phelps was born on 19850630 which corresponds to the UND (Universal Numerical Date) of 727157 which is prime. What does this signify? Well, Michael's UND is perfectly unified and "one with" the day that our Lord God Jesus Christ was born - ie. August 11th in 6 BC.