Friday, February 8, 2008

The Great Leo "Ron Paul" Arrives Onstage In DC at the CPAC Conference

Congressman Bob Barr (GA) completed the following words in a larger statement at EXACTLY 3:56 min/sec into this video:

Beginning at 3:50 min Congressman Bob Bar said "The fact is that there is on only one candidate in this race on either side (3:56 min) of the political divide among the two major parties who has never voted for a tax increase, who has always supported smaller government, who believes with every breath as he wakes up in the morning and as he goes to bed at night that we need to maximize individual liberty and minimize government power in all that we do (applause) . I want you to give a true American conservative CPAC welcome to a man that is not a compassionate conservative, he's not a convenience conservative, he's not a big government conservative, he's the Constitution's best friend....DR. RON PAUL!!!"

A rousing sound of applause rises as Dr. Paul steps onto the stage at EXACTLY 4:45 min/sec which is 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" from Leo (356).

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