The phrase "Here is the sun" was logged at 4:57 min/sec. 457 is the 89th prime number. 89 is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4 which is the astrological sign for the Divine Birthmonth of August whose ruling planet si the Sun and which corresponds to the Human Heart. There are 2345 views of this video and today, 1/11, is 2345 days from 20020811, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ (6 BC).
Here (8595) is (91) the (285) Sun (135) = 9106 = 157 prime X 58
23 "I Am" cycles of 157 "Here is the Sun" prime days from today will bring us to 20181201 which is 23 "I Am" + 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord.
The Leo (356th) prime number is 2389 which is composed of 23 "I Am" and 89 which is the prime of Leo (356).
Here's the video:
The phrase "and growing your own food will be 80% of the work that you do everyday" concludes at 3:56 min/sec. 356 corresponds to Leo (356) which is the astrological sign for the Divine Birthmonth whose ruling planet is the Sun and which corresponds the Human Heart.
At 4:45 min/sec the phrase "the sun" is recorded. 445 is 89 from Leo (356). The prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4.
The (285) Sun (135) = 420
Today, 20090111, is 420 "The Sun" days from 20100307 - Sunday - which is Jesus (15131) prime days from 20510810 which is ONE (1) day from August 11th, the Divine Birthday.
1 comment:
Excellent video, it confirms so much. Thank you for sharing.
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