From the Facebook album:
New Orleans Ballroom
New (555) Orleans (6935151) Ballroom (21339664) = 28275370 = 5903 prime X 4790
20091111 + 5903 prime days = 20260109 which is 23 "I (9) Am (14)" + 191 "Prime of God (764)" days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ.
The end of the 125th cycle of 5093 prime days will bring us to 20141103 which is 1818 days from 20091111. Which brings us back to the year 1818 which was when Illinois became the 21st state to enter the union on December 3rd.
1818 = 101 prime X 18. 101 is called the "Perfect Unity Prime Number" which evokes the great dream of Don Bosco.
5093 - 1818 = 3275 which factors into ONE (655) X 5 = 131 prime X 25
State of Illinois | |||||||||||||
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Official language(s) | English[1] |
20091111 - 18181203 = 69740 days = 317 prime X 220
23 "I (9) Am (14)" X 317 prime days prior to 20091111 brings us to 19320814 which was/is 191 "Prime of God (764)" days from 19320205, my birthdate 26 years prior to my actually birth in 1958.
23 "I (9) Am (14)" X 317 prime days from 18181203 brings us to 18960301 which was/is 32 years prior to my mother's actual birth in 1928.
But even more important is that 20091111 is EXACTLY 51 days from 20100101 which is the end of the 691st cycle of 101 "Perfect Unity" prime days from 18181203 when Illinois became the 21st state to enter the union.
I have shared this many times on this blog, but 51 is also the Route number for a highway which runs straight (north-south) through the heart of Illinois, mirroring-shadowing the 89th longitude west of Greenwich England as follows:
U.S. Route 51 is a north-south United States highway that runs for 1,286 miles (2,070 km) from northern Wisconsin to the western suburbs of New Orleans, Louisiana. Much of the highway in Wisconsin and Illinois runs parallel to or overlaps Interstate 39. The highway's northern terminus is Hurley, Wisconsin, at U.S. Highway 2. Its southern terminus is Laplace, Louisiana, at U.S. Highway 61.
U.S. Route 51 is a north-south United States highway that runs for 1,286 miles (2,070 km) from northern Wisconsin to the western suburbs of New Orleans, Louisiana. Much of the highway in Wisconsin and Illinois runs parallel to or overlaps Interstate 39. The highway's northern terminus is Hurley, Wisconsin, at U.S. Highway 2. Its southern terminus is Laplace, Louisiana, at U.S. Highway 61.
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U.S. Route 51 | |
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Length: | 1286[1] mi (2070 km) |
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