Friday, February 18, 2011

Prayed 8, 9 and 10 Rosaries the Past 3 Days

Well I might have found a numerical reason for this burst in praying 8, 9 and 10 rosaries over the last 3 days.

20110216 - Mary (4197) days = 19990821 which is Leo (356) days from August 11th (2000) the Divine Birthdate.

The completion of this three day period gave birth to a full moon which was full at 2:36 pm CDT which corresponds to 236 and 3:56 am (Leo) is always the 236th minute of the New Day. 2:36 was just 27 minutes after I finished praying the 10th rosary while I was driving northbound on the Edens in route home from Chicago. I stopped to have a Subway on Dempster Street (4925 Dempster) and 2:36 pm was just about the exact time I finished eating.

Mary (4197) = 1399 prime X 3

1399 "Prime of Mary (4197)" days prior to today brings us to 20070421 which was 23 "I (9) Am (14)" + 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from August 11th. The year 2007 was highly charged with Leonic energy for 2007 factors into 223 prime X 9 and August 11th is always the 223rd day in non-leap years.

We can go back 23 "I (9) Am (14)" cycles of 1399 "Prime of Mary (4197)" days which will bring us back to 19230112 which is the 1/12 (112) mo/day - 23 "I (9) Am (14)" + 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" = 112 - in the 1923 year which factors into 641 "Prime of Rose (9615)" X 3.

Rose (9615) = 641 prime X 15

1923 = 641 prime X 3

The Current Year 2011 is the advent of the 89th "Prime of Leo (356)" year from/including 1923.

Hail Mary Full of Grace!

Hail Mary Full of Energy!

Hail Mary Full of Light!

Hail Mary Full of Love!

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