Sunday, September 1, 2013

NFL and players reach $765 million settlement over head injuries

The date for this announcement was 8/29/13 - a Thursday.

765 is ONE (1) from God (764)

24 is ONE (1) from 23 and 23 corresponds to I (9) Am (14) = 23 prime which corresponds to the original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai "I Am....the Lord thy God...." Exodus 20:2

24 cycles of 765 days (18360) prior to 8/29/13 brings us back to the 5/24 (524) mo/day in the year 1963.

524 is 131 prime from ONE (655) and the prime of ONE (655) = 131 prime X 5

1963 = 151 prime 13.  

151 is the prime of God (764) Is (91) One (655) = 1510 = 151 prime X 10

The end of the 965th cycle of God (764) days since August 11, 6 BC fell 184 days prior on 2/26/13.

2/26 (226) = 113 prime X 2

113 is the prime of I (9) Am (14) One (655) = 678 = 113 prime X 6

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