Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Digits of π

The digits of π are chocked-full of numerical wonders. 

Note: I know this stuff can make some folks head "explode" so please forgive me for sharing, but here goes....

Here's another one I found this morning:

If you go to the link below and enter the number "554" you will get this answer:

"The string 554 occurs at position 914. counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted."

This result is pretty amazing based on the following facts:

554 corresponds to END (554) as in the phrase "End of darkness."

This corresponds PERFECTLY with the fact that the 554th minute of each day is 9:14 am. 

The phrase "I Am the End of Darkness" naturally comes to mind when you combine these two numerical strings

The number 914 corresponds to I (9) Am (14) = 23 prime.

I (9) Am (14) is our Lord's original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai - "I Am...the Lord thy God..." Exodus 20:2.

Contained inside 914 is the 89th prime number 457 - include ONE (1) in the count - as follows:

914 = 457 prime X 2

89 is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4

Leo is the astrological sign of the month of August whose ruling planet is the Sun and which corresponds to the Human Heart. 

Embedded in the very CENTER-MIDDLE-HEART of the first 1000 prime numbers you will find the prime number 2389 which is composed of 23 "I (9) Am (14)" conjoined with 89 which is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4.

Now I will show examples of simple correspondence between 554, 9:14 am, I (9) Am (14), Leo (356), 457 (the 89th prime) and 89 (the prime of Leo (356)) and the movement of the Sun on August 11th as follows:

On August 11th here in Chicago - located on the 41st latitude north - the sun begins to rise over the eastern horizon of Lake Michigan at EXACTLY 5:54 am. August 11th is the 223rd day of every non-leap year.  41 corresponds to "I Am the light of the world" from the verse in John 8:12 as follows:

I (9) Am (14) the (285) light (39782) of (66) the (285) world (56934) = 97375 = 41 prime X 2375.

In the digits of π the string "223" can be found at the 135th decimal-digit.  135 corresponds to Sun (135). 

As noted above, 554 corresponds to END (554) as in the phrase "End of darkness."

The first full minute of light on August 11th is completed at 5:55 am

555 corresponds to NEW (555) as in the phrase "New Light."

The complete disc of the Sun rises above the eastern horizon of Lake Michigan by 5:56 am.

5:56 am is ALWAYS the completion of the Leo (356th) minute of each day.

Back to the digits of π.....

"The string 556 occurs at position 1725.
counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted."

1725 = 23 "I (9) Am (14)" X 75 mirrors the non-prime factor "2375" in the phrase "I (9) Am (14) the (285) light (39782) of (66) the (285) world (56934) = 97375 = 41 prime X 2375.

Here's another correspondence that connects-ties August 11th with 89 and 457 - the 89th prime number as follows:

May 14th (5/14) is always 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from August 11th.  514 = 257 prime X 2 and the 257th day of every non-leap year is September 14th (9/14) which factors into 457 (the 89th prime number) X 2.

All these examples weave these beautiful numerical threads of light through August 11th. 

According to Dean Fagerstrom's 1400+ page "The Book of Anglion" our Lord God Jesus Christ was born on August 11th in the year 6 BC.

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