Monday, January 2, 2017

What does the year 2015 have to do with the year 1984?

I wrote this down in my iPhone notes back during the year 2015, but didn't get around to posting it on this blog as follows:

What does the year 2015 have to do with the year 1984?

Both have the same conjunctive prime factors - ie. the highest prime factor. 

1984 factors into 31 prime X 64

2015 factors into 31 prime X 65

31 is the conjunctive prime - the highest prime factor - of this phrase "The Lord God" as follows:

The (285) Lord (3694) God (764) = 4743 = 31 prime X 153

65 corresponds to ON (65).  

So you could say that - by simple multiplication and prime factoring - today "The Lord God" is ON.  

Another small note:

4743 "The Lord God" minus the year 2015 = 2728 = 31 prime X 88

This means that 2015 marks the beginning of the 89th cycle of 31 "The Lord God" prime.  

89 is the prime of Leo (356) which is the astrological sign for the month of August whose ruling planet is the Sun and which corresponds to the Human Heart.  

Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4

If we move ahead 31 "The Lord God" years from 2015 we will arrive at the year 2046 which is ONE (1) from 2047 which is the end of the 23rd cycle of 89 years. 23 corresponds to I (9) Am (14) = 23 prime which is our Lord's original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai - ie. "I Am....the Lord thy God..." Exodus 20:2.  89 is the prime of Leo as seen above....

In the middle of the first 1000 prime numbers - right in the center - you will find 2389 which conjoins 23 prime and 89 prime together.  This is actually the Leo (356th) prime number - you must include ONE (1) in the count for for thousands of years ONE (1) was always considered to be a prime number. 

Which brings us back to 2015....

2015 + 31 = 2046 which factors into 31 "The Lord God" prime X 66.

66 is 23 "I (9) Am (14)" from 89. 

If we multiply 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" X 31 "The Lord God" the result is 2759 which is TWO (2) X Leo (356) = 712 from 2047 which is 23 "I (9) Am (14)" X 89 Prime of Leo (356)"

So the bottom line is that 31 - the core prime essence of the year 2015 - is EXACTLY TWO (2) Leo's (356 X 2 = 712) from the "I Am Leo" year of 2047 - (23 "I (9) Am (14)" X 89 "Prime of Leo (356)".

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