Tuesday, December 18, 2007

From The Heart Of 89 Longitude West: Rockford Illinois

Rockford Illinois is located right on the 89th Longitude West as this GoogleEarth image confirms as follows:

Click image to enlarge

And on December 16, 2007 - the 234th anniversary of The Boston Tea Party of 1773, these individuals - see the two videos belove - braved the freezing temperatures and cold winter snow to symbolically stand up against tyranny and support the cause of liberty, freedom, justice and peace here in America.

Ron Paul ROCKFORD Tea Party - Group Walk Part 1

Ron Paul ROCKFORD Tea Party - Group Walk Part 2

These two (2) videos are 35 and 46 seconds long which add up to 81 seconds. 81 days prior to 12/16 brings us to 9/26 which is 23 "I Am" prime days from 9/03 which is 23 "I Am" prime days from 8/11, the Divine Birthday of our Lord God Jesus Christ (6 BC). Again, 23 prime corresponds to I (9) Am (14) = 23 prime which is the Lord's original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai - ie. "I Am...the Lord thy God..." Exodus 20:2.

It's very interesting to also note that 81 days from today brings us to 20080306 which is the 66th day of the New Year and 66 is always 23 "I Am" from 89 which is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4, etc.

Here's a group video "from the heart of Leo" here in Illinois:

Ron Paul ROCKFORD, Illinois Tea Party December 16, 2007

81 seconds - the length of the first two group videos above - plus 18 seconds - the length of this last group video - add up to 99 seconds which corresponds to 99 days and 99 days prior to 12/16 brings us to 9/08 which in non leap years is always the 251st day of the year. And as we have seen below, 251 is a prime number that corresponds to Tea (251) as in "Tea Party" etc.

Here's the complete collection of videos from this "From The Heart Of Leo" event:

Click image to enlarge.

Note that the seconds for the last two - and final - videos in this series are 34 and 55 seconds long which add up to 89 which is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4, etc.

Here's the video of the group speeches at the re-enactment of The Boston Tea Party - ie. of throwing the tea into the river/bay - by the Rock River in downtown Rockford.

Ron Paul ROCKFORD Tea Party - Freedom Speeches

It's very cool and interesting that the length of this important "Freedom Speeches" video is exactly 49 seconds long which corresponds to the EXACT number of days to Super Duper Tuesday, February 5th - also variously called Giga Tuesday, Tsunami Tuesday, and The Tuesday of Destiny and which will be the editor of this blog's 50th birthday - when 23 states hold their primaries.

To close, let's hear from some of the individual's who represented this "From The Heart Of Leo" activity in support of freedom, liberty, justice and love here in America on December 16, 2007 as follows:

1) Comments from Rockford "In The Heart Of Leo" - "Sam"

2) Comments from Rockford "In The Heart Of Leo" - "Andy"

3) Comments from Rockford "In The Heart Of Leo" - "Mike"

4) Comments from Rockford "In The Heart Of Leo" - "Jeremy"

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