The Tribute in Light was a temporary art installation of 88 searchlights placed next to the site of the World Trade Center from March 11 to April 14, 2002 to create two vertical columns of light in remembrance of the September 11, 2001 attacks. The tribute was launched again in 2003, to mark the second anniversary of the attack, and has been done every year since on September 11, to mark the anniversary.

(Pictures taken on Monday March 11, 2002 when the lights started shining for the very first time - photos of the Tribute in Light memorial from Brooklyn Bridge.)
The tribute was launched again in 2003, to mark the second anniversary of the attack, and has been done every year since on September 11, to mark the anniversary. Those working on the project came up with the concept in the week following the attack.
Architects John Bennett and Gustavo Bonevardi of PROUN Space Studio distributed their "Project for the Immediate Reconstruction of Manhattan's Skyline".
Artists Julian LaVerdiere and Paul Myoda, who before September 11 were working on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center north tower on a proposed light sculpture on the giant radio antenna with Creative Time, conceived of the project "Phantom Towers", and were commissioned by The New York Times Magazine to create an image of the project for its September 23 cover. Read more here.

The "from the heart of Leo" analysis follows:
1) March 11, 2002 was EXACTLY 181 prime days from September 11, 2001. 181 corresponds to the phrase "We Are One" as follows:
We (55) Are (195) One (655) = 905 = 181 prime X 5
2) March 11th corresponds to the prime of 311 which corresponds to USA (311). 311 is the 65th prime number from/including one (1). 65 corresponds to the english word "ON". Hence, the appropriateness for USA (311) and ON (65) to be numerically referenced in this "Tribute In Light", etc.

3) There are/were 44 major columns in each of the Twin Towers X 2 = 88 lights. The 44th prime number from/including one (1) is 191 which is the prime of God (764) = 191 prime X 4 and 88 is ONE (1) from 89 which is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4 - see below, too.
4) March 11, 2003 - the day this "Tribute In Light" began - was the 181 "We Are One" prime X 88 = 15,928th day from/including 19580802 which is EXACTLY Leo (356) days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ in the Sing (1957) Year that proceeded the advent of the 23rd cycle of 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" years in the year 1958 - ie. 1958 = 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" X 22. And, as we noted below, 23 corresponds to "I Am" - ie. I (9) Am (14) = 23 prime - which is the Lord's original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai - ie. "I Am....the Lord thy God..." Exodus 20:2, etc.

5) Finally, the phrase "From The Heart Of Leo" brings this full circle as follows:
From (6964) The (285) Heart (85192) of (66) Leo (356) = 92863 prime
Whenever you add 92863 "From The Heart Of Leo" prime days to any day on the calendar you will advance 257 years less 4 days. 257 is a prime number that corresponds to the 257th day of non-leap years which is always 9/14 (914) = 457 prime X 2 and 457 is the 89th prime number from/including one (1). 257 X 2 = 514 (5/14) which is always 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from August 11th, our Lord's birthday (6 BC) - see below.
To account for the loss of 4 days across 257 years - in non-leap years - you simple subtract 191 "Prime of God (764)" + 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" X 2 = 369 days which is 4 days from 365 which corresponds to ONE (1) non-leap year, etc. And as we have seen - see below - on Valentines Day, 2/14, these two (2) cycles of 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days correspond to "From The Heart Of Leo" for Valentines Day is ALWAYS two (2) cycles of 89 days from August 11th, our Lord's birthdate.
6) The first "Tribute In Light" ended on April 14, 2002 which was the 137th anniversary of the assasination of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the united States of America. 137 prime corresponds to the year 1918 = 137 prime X 14 which is the year of Armistice Day on 11/11 which ended World War One (1). The year 2002 factors into 11 prime X 182 and 182 is ONE (1) from 181 which is the prime of "We Are One" - see above. March 11, 2002 was the 182nd Day from/including September 11, 2002.
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